The unintentional sharing of fake news: Exploring the interplay between news-finds-me perception, political knowledge, and ideological extremism.

  Mediaflows - Citizenship in the Digital Media Sphere 18-20 settembre 2024, València, Plaça Mare de Déu de la Pau, 3. Presentazione: The unintentional sharing of fake news: Exploring the…

Continua a leggereThe unintentional sharing of fake news: Exploring the interplay between news-finds-me perception, political knowledge, and ideological extremism.

The role of “News-Finds-Me” Perception, Political Knowledge, and Ideological Extremism in Misinformation Sharing Practices

Società Italiana di Scienza Politica - SISP Conference 2024 12 - 14 settembre 2024, Università degli Studi di Trieste The role of “News-Finds-Me” Perception, Political Knowledge, and Ideological Extremism in…

Continua a leggereThe role of “News-Finds-Me” Perception, Political Knowledge, and Ideological Extremism in Misinformation Sharing Practices